Onderzoek nieuwkomers VO
No lost generation: Education for refugee children. A comparison between Sweden, Germany, The Netherlands and Turkey
This paper looks into differences across countries in both the opportunities and the blockades that school systems and legal regulations present.
It will focus on institutional factors that influence the opportunities of refugee children in education on the macro, meso and micro level.
This paper research into the effects of differences in the school system differences on the educational and labour market careers of children of immigrants. It will make a cross-country comparison in: (1) Entrance into education; (2) So-called welcome, submersion or introduction classes; (3) Pre-school arrangements; (4) Second language instruction; (5) Additional support; (6) Tracking; (7) Education after compulsory school.
- Auteur(s): M. Crul, E. Keskiner, J. Schneider, F. Lelie & S. Ghaeminia
- Uitgever:European University Institute, (EUI Forum on Migration, Citizenship and Demography in Florence)
- Jaar van uitgave:2016